Jiu-Jitsu Five-O (Jason) Explains Why Police Officers Should Learn BJJ

    The effectiveness of Jiu-Jitsu can not be ignored, especially when it comes to both defending yourself and controlling an aggressive attacker. Due to the nature of this profession, police officers can often find themselves in dangerous situations on a regular basis. Learning BJJ can be a great way to control situations in a safe manner as well as protect yourself from dangerous events.

    In this article, we interview Jiu-Jitsu Five-O's Jason. We discuss the major benefits of BJJ training for both physical safety and mental performance. This is a great read for both police officers and civilians. With instructional BJJ videos included, anyone can gain value from this article.ย 

    We also bring back a past Submission Shark community member to join the discussion and provide insight from a different perspective. Join the shark frenzy for more insightful articles and share this with your friends and family, this information may just save someone's life.

    Submission Shark Community | Instagram: @jiujitsufive_o

    Jason The BJJ Cop

    Name: Jason

    Belt Colour: Brown

    Professor: Damian Hirtz, Alliance Jiu-Jitsuย 

    Short Term Goals:ย ย I take things day by day and try to be a little better than I was yesterday. I apply this to all aspects of my life. I learn from my mistakes and try to not make that same mistake twice. To me, that's a win.ย 

    Jiu-Jitsu Five-O (Jason) Explains Why Police Officers Should Learn BJJ

    How long have you been doing jiu-jitsu for?

    I startedย training in May of 2011, aboutย one year after becoming a police officer.ย 

    Where do you train out of?

    I train out of Alliance Jiu-Jitsu, under black belt Damian Hirtz.

    Do you prefer gi or no-gi?

    I prefer training in the gi, although as a police officer I think it's important to mix no-gi intoย your routine. The sad reality of our job is that the people we wrestle with aren't always wearing clothes.

    Have your instructors helped you in other aspects of life other than jiu-jitsu?ย 

    Jiu-Jitsu Instructors at Alliance BJJ

    Absolutely. I'm fortunate to train under some really great instructors who not only provide guidance on the mats but have become close friends. They've definitelyย shown me how to take myself less seriously, especially as it pertains to learning new things. They've also kept me motivated to keep training over the years, even when life threw thingsย thatย made meย want to quit.ย 

    What are some lessons you learned from Jiu-Jitsu that apply to everyday life?

    I think Jiu-Jitsu offers so many life lessons. First and foremost, it kills your ego.ย To me, this is the most important lesson because when you train, you're forced to confront yourself and find out what you're really made of. It's easy for us to talk about what we would do in certain situations, or how mentally tough we are, but Jiu-Jitsu won't let you continue lying to yourself.

    Training BJJ

    Aside from the physical aspect, training Jiu-Jitsu teaches you how to slow down and think through your problems. When you're stuck in side-control or bottom mount, with a bigger, stronger opponent on top of you, the solution isn't to spaz out and muscle them off of you - mainly because you know that won't work. You learn to take some breaths, calm your mind and formulate a plan. This carries over into a lot of different aspects of your life.

    Jason The Police Officer Training Jiu-Jitsu

    Finally, it has given me more confidence. This isย especiallyย important for cops. I know I'm not the toughest man on the planet, but I'm confident in my abilities and as a result, the way I interact with people is a lot different than when I was a newer officer with no training.

    Confidence breeds calmness,ย which usually leads to more positive interactions with argumentative people on the street and ultimately lower chances of a situationย escalatingย to where we need to use force.


    Yesterday we worked positional training, where the first point wins (sweep, guard pass, submission, etc). The winner stays and the next guy comes in and starts from whatever position the last two guys/gals left off in. This style of training is great for cops because it reinforces the concept of โ€œposition before submission.โ€

    Too often we see officers trying to force handcuffs on an uncooperative subject before establishing a dominant position, which leads to unnecessary force, injuries to the officer and more. Position first.

    How often do you train?

    I aim for a minimum of three days per week but obviously fit in as many days as my schedule will allow. It can be tough with a full-time job, a family and other outside responsibilities, but I've made it a priority in my life and usually get in at least three days.ย 


    For those who donโ€™t train, Jiu-Jitsu can be fairly boring to watch, which is great for cops. We donโ€™t need to make any highlight reels on YouTube or World Star. Here is an arm drag > back take > collar restraint series I like working into my training. Itโ€™s camera-friendly, but also very effective for control. Plus you have the option to put them to sleep if the situation calls for it.

    What are some of your go-to BJJ techniques? (Let us know in the comments below!)

    What made you want to start training?

    Becoming a police officer was a big motivating factor, as I knew the job would entail a lot of grappling. I also knew deep down that I sucked at fighting and that most men were bigger and stronger than me and could probably kick my ass. Those were the primary reasons.

    In addition to that, I was an athlete most of my life and wanted a fun way to stay in shape as I got older, knowing that most other fitness activities for adult males were lame, like cycling.ย 

    Size Difference For Cops

    Size differential. One of the many reasons cops need Jiu-Jitsu. The guy next to me is one of those giants youโ€™re thankful wears the same uniform as you. But, there are lots of other genetically blessed people like him who arenโ€™t on our side. Strength training is great, but it doesnโ€™t teach you how to fight.

    Plus, there is always someone who is bigger and stronger than you. Jiu-Jitsu is a great equalizer. (BTW, the beast in this photo is one of my good friends and Sgt.โ€™s. When heโ€™s not lumberjacking with his blue ox, heโ€™s snorting protein powder and deadlifting all the weights)

    Do you plan on training your whole life?

    That's definitely the plan! It will pretty much take death to keep me off the mats. At this point, I really can't imagine life without Jiu-Jitsu.ย 

    Grand Master Pat Worley Jiu-Jitsu

    This is Grand Master Pat Worley, a true O.G. Heโ€™s a 70-year-old Jiu-Jitsu black belt, active competitor and also a legend in the Karate world, where he holds a 10th-degree black belt. After destroying guys half his age during hour-long training sessions on the mat, he does burpees by himself to improve his cardio. Heโ€™s not a cop, but a big supporter of law enforcement.

    There are many excuses to not train Jiu-Jitsu, but when you roll with guys like this, you find that almost all of them are invalid. Be like Pat. Go train.

    Whatโ€™s it about jiu-jitsu that makes it so addicting?

    I think humans, especially men, have a primal need for grappling. It's built into our DNA. Some guys let it out in drunken bar fights and some get their fix on the mats. Either way, there's definitely something to it. Jiu-Jitsu provides the perfect outlet for this in a fun, controlled (and legal) setting.ย 


    I also like the fact that when you train, you're completely present in that moment. When someone's trying to strangle you, there's no time to think about what's for dinner, what you did to upset your wife that morning and any of the other thoughts that usually occupy our brains. When you're done training, you feel incredible, like a giant weight has been lifted off you.ย ย 

    What has jiu-jitsu done for your physical health?

    It's definitely kept me in shape. I'm almost 40 years old and can say with confidence that I'm in as good of shape now as I was in my late teens/ early 20's. I definitely have more aches and pains that come with getting older, but Jiu-Jitsu has been great both for my cardio and for my overall weight management. It helps that I eat fairly clean most of the time, but I've sweat way more on the mats than I ever did running a marathon or lifting weights.ย 

    Has jiu-jitsu benefited your mental health?

    Mental Health Riot

    Without a doubt. Before I started training, I was a lot more anxious and had a shorter fuse with my friends and family. In general, I just felt more on edge.

    Now it's been almost 9 years and I for sure have noticed myself thinking more positively and remaining a lot calmer in stressful situations. It may not all be attributed to Jiu-Jitsu, but I definitely credit the art for a lot of it.ย 

    If you could restart your jiu-jitsu journey, would you do anything differently?

    As a new white belt, I would focus less on certain techniques and belt colours, and more on enjoying the process. I think it's easy to get caught up in the next belt promotion, or the new fancy technique you saw on the internet. When I was new to the art, I got frustrated with myself a lot, instead of having fun.

    My head instructor said something once that really stuck with me; "In Brazil, they train Jiu-Jitsu because it's fun. In America, we always have to have a reason for doing everything. We rarely do things just because they're fun." This resonated with me. I still train hard and want to get better, but if you ever roll with me, I promise we'll have some laughs.ย 

    BJJ Old School

    TBT to my spazzy white belt days. At that time, I donโ€™t think I fully understood or appreciated how amazing it was to be able to train withย @bernardofariabjjย andย @gabrielgoulartbjjย at the same time, but I get it now. Hopefully, Iโ€™ll get to train with them again in the very near future.

    Whatโ€™s your advice for someone thatโ€™s never tried jiu-jitsu before but is interested in trying it?

    TRY IT.

    The first step in any new endeavour is usually the hardest one to take. Force yourself out of your comfort zone and go try a class. You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    Do you have any aspirations in jiu-jitsu?

    At this stage in my Jiu-Jitsu journey, my only aspirations are to eventually obtain my black belt and more importantly, help spread the Jiu-Jitsu lifestyle throughout the law enforcement community.

    There are so many physical and mental benefits for cops and I'd love to live in a world where every patrol cop is at least a purple belt. I aspire to be a resource that helps get them there. As you get older, you start contemplating what your life's purpose is. I believe this is what I am supposed to be doing.ย 

    Whatโ€™s your favourite move?

    I like to work smarter not harder, so I tend to focus on moves that allow me to be a little lazy. I really like knee on belly and Kimura arm locks. That submission seems to be everywhere and it's also a great one for cops.ย 


    Five-O fundamental technique: Kimura set up from side control. If youโ€™ve never heard of a kimura or side control, itโ€™s time to go train.

    If you didnโ€™t discover jiu-jitsu, where do you think youโ€™d be now?

    Divorced, with half my pension taken away from me. Kidding, sort of. But for real, I'd probably still be wasting money on creatine and doing bicep curls in the squat rack. Nothing against lifting weights, but I was doing a lot of that before Jiu-Jitsu and found that it wasn't really doing anything for me. Iโ€™ve never been bored training Jiu-Jitsu.

    Jason having fun doing BJJ at Alliance Jiu-Jitsu

    Would you like to see the sport become more mainstream?

    It seems like it's already gaining a lot of popularity, which is great. Where I'd like to see it more mainstream is in the policing world. That's where it could have a significant impact on the world, due to safer use of force incidents and overall officer wellness.

    Police Helicopter

    Have any of your training partners pushed you to reach your full potential?

    Always. It seems that everyone at my gym is tough as nails, men and women. They will always give you their best, which forces you to train hard and push yourself. My head instructors have also done a great job pushing the cops at my gym. They know that we can't just tap out on the street and when they train with us, it's not uncommon for them to hold a dominant position and force you to work out of it. It can be uncomfortable as hell, but they make sure we're always training for real.ย 

    Training Partners For Jason The Police Officer/BJJ Practitioner

    When you were first starting, what was the most difficult concept of jiu-jitsu that you had trouble getting?

    LOL - All of it. I actually think the idea of seeing Jiu-Jitsu from a conceptual level was the hardest part. When you're new to the art, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and get caught up in the infinite number of techniquesย available. It wasn't until the purple belt that I really started understanding how to piece things together and that not every technique had to be executed exactly how it was shown in class.ย 

    If you could roll with any practitioner, dead or alive, who would it be?

    That's a tough one because all of the high-level guys would kick my ass in less than 10 seconds. But, if I had to choose one I would say Marcelo Garcia. We're of similar size and he's obviously one of the best to ever do it. It could be fun, as long as he went 50 percent or less.ย 
    Gav Clarke and Marcelo Garcia

    Click the image above to learn about functional training for injury recovery & prevention with Jiu-Jitsu practitioner Gav Clarke

    What makes you want to inspire and motivate others?

    I really like sharing knowledge and being a resource. It's fun to take things I've learned and offered that to someone else so they can use it to hopefully improve their life in some way. I think that's part of our job as humans. In the end, what else is there?ย 

    Stardust Jiu-Jitsu: Empowering The Underprivileged Through Martial Arts | Lucas Trautman's Story

    The story of Stardust Jiu-Jitsu is one that's filled with hope, love, acceptance, friendship, empathy and inspiration.ย Click the image above to learn more

    Was there a difficult moment in your life where jiu-jitsu helped you get through it? If so, please explain.

    In Buddhist philosophy, they talk about how life is suffering. I think there's a lot of truth to that. We're constantly faced with challenges and adversity, which doesn't have to involve aย catastrophic event.
    To me, Jiu-Jitsu is the perfect outlet to deal with this day to day suffering. It releases endorphins through a great workout, helps focus your attention on the present moment and surrounds you with other positive people who make you smile. It literally offers all of the things you read about that contribute to our happiness and positive mental state.

    What inspired you to promote jiu-jitsu as an art form and self-defence for law enforcement?

    There's a lot of bullshit in the police world when it comes to self-defence training and I got sick of watching cops get their asses kicked on video, and also needlessly kicking other people's asses due to a lack of training.ย 
    A lot of police "training" is unrealistic, inconsistent and way behind the times. A lot of agencies are still training for Hollywood-style scenarios such as snatching a gun out of someone's hand, versus spending that time and money on training their officers on how to escape a headlock.
    Police Cop Car
    Jiu-Jitsu is the art that most closely matches what we deal with on the street. In my almost 10 years as a cop, I've never had to snatch a gun out of someone's hand. Conversely, I've lost count of how many times I've had to wrestle with an uncooperative suspect and work to get them in handcuffs. As a practitionerย of the art, I would be doing everyone a disserviceย by not sharing it, especially with other cops.

    Has there ever been a situation where your jiu-jitsu training helped you while you were on the job?

    It's helped me on several occasions, especially when trying to control bigger, stronger people who are trying to resist our attempts to arrest them. Neck restraints have also played a significant role in ending fights quickly, without the need for strikes, pepper spray and other tools we commonly see being used to no effect.ย ย 

    Do you feel more confident in your abilities to defend yourself now that you have training in jiu-jitsu?

    Absolutely. I honestly don't want to fight with anyone on the street, but if they decide to take it there, I'm very confident in my abilities to end it, or at least survive for as long as I need to.ย 

    Where can people find out more about Jiu-Jitsu Five-O?

    You can follow us:
    Instagram:ย @jiujitsufive_o
    Facebook:ย @Jiu Jitsu Five-Oย 
    website:ย www.JiuJitsuFiveO.com
    New content is added frequently!ย 

    What would you like to say to everyone that's supported you on your journey?

    I can't thank everyone enough for all of their support of Jiu-Jitsu Five-O so far. I've had so many people reach out and tell me they love what I'm doing or what I've inspired them to start training. It's a great feeling and I'm happy to be a resource for them. I would also thank all of my training partners over the years for continuing to push me and make me a better grappler.ย 

    When the journey is over, how would you like to be remembered?

    I don't need to be remembered on a personal level, but hopefully, I will have left a positive impact in the Jiu-Jitsu world and helped change the game in a positive way when it comes to policeย training and officer wellness.ย 
    Jiu-Jitsu Vest and Police Kimono :)
    Two pieces of gear that can help save your life. If you own a vest, you should also own a gi.

    Submission Shark:

    Jason accurately describes the importance of jiu-jitsu training for law enforcement officers but he is also not the only one that feels this way. Here's a snippet of an interview with another BJJ practitioner (Kamilio Olivera) with a different professional background but has also come to the common conclusion, BJJ saves lives.

    Please explain what happened to your father and how it has affected your outlook on life?

    My father was shot and killed by a police officer when I was a young boy. I was a little too young to ever remember him, all I have are pictures and some of his work clothes. My father's death was unjust. He was no threat to the officer and was unarmed.
    As I grew older and was able to understand what happened, I never really felt any kind of anger or rage. Of course, I was sad that I lost my father at such a young age, but I didn't hate the police for it.
    Instead, I tried going through what that officer was thinking when it happened -ย Why would he use lethal force without hesitation?
    ย Police Line jiu Jitsu Blog
    I eventually realized how unprepared he was for that situation. Then I thought, well most officers are not adequately trained for those types of situations. I feel the lack of self-confidence and sheer knowledge is the source of the problem. Our police officers are not getting the proper training for how dangerous of a job they have.
    Once I started training Jiujitsu and realized the effectiveness of it, I decided that I wanted to start my ownย non-profit organization to help officers pay for BJJ training. I always want it to be available to them. BJJ should never be your first option, but it will always be your best last option.

    Do you feel like police officers get unfair hate in the eyes of the general public?

    Anywhere you go there will always be bad eggs. To take that individual's actions and group them with everyone that has the same profession as him/her is unfair. It's very easy to point the blame at the police because, in any given situation, they only have one shot to get it right. They are either going to be a hero or hated because they screwed up.

    Recently there has been a huge divide in opinion between police brutality and the unfair treatment of civilians.

    Do you believe this whole movement was useful in creating discussion or bad in creating a stigma towards law enforcement?ย 

    Police Attack Submission Shark

    I would say both. I feel its probably done more harm than good. But at the same time when these officers are blatantly abusing their power, they need to be held accountable for their actions.

    What can people from both sides of the argument do to find common ground and have peace towards each other?

    Take a walk in each other's shoes.

    Do you think police officers should get a more significant punishment for using deadly force in non-life-threatening situations?

    100% but more importantly, they need to be trained better to avoid these types of situations altogether.

    Could you please explain how martial arts and jiu-jitsu could be beneficial for the men and women in this type of work?

    Well to successfully put a resisting assailant in cuffs, you'd generally have to get them to the ground. A martial art that is specifically designed to overcome a stronger and bigger opponent on the ground would be ideal would it not? This can all be done with minimal toย NOย damage to the attacker.
    It's the most logical choice for the job, in my opinion.

    How did you manage to resist having resentment towards police officers after what had happened to your father?

    I don't think I ever had to "resist" because I thought logically about the situation. If someone makes a mistake on the job I don't automatically blame everyone else on that job for that person's mistake. Especially if that job involves high-pressure situations, people are bound to make mistakes.

    If you could send a message to the police officer that shot your father, what would you say?

    Policemen Blue Lights Submission Shark

    I'm sorry you were ever put in that position and I just wish you were better prepared.
    Looking to read the full article? Click Here
    Submission Shark Articles

    What are your thoughts on the topics we discussed above? Let me know what you think in the comments below and make sure to share this article with others!

    Looking to learn more about this topic? Check out Craig Hanaumi's BJJ story. He's also a police offer and jiu-jitsu practitioner that has found tremendous benefits from this art form. As a community activist, he is a great addition to the Submission Shark community.

    Feel free to check out more School of Sharks articles for more exciting resources about martial arts and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.ย 

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