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BJJ Nutrition: Nutrition is one of the most important aspects to any sport. It's even more important if you're training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which has a higher intensity than other sports like yoga or aerobics. Getting enough nutrient-dense calories and fluids are vital for your performance in BJJ practice and competition so it's important to know what foods work best for you.
This blog post will give you some tips on nutrition for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, but remember that everyone is different so there isn't an "one size fits all" solution out there!

Many cultures have utilized bone broth for thousands of years and for good reason. This potent drink can help support general health as well as promote high-level athletic performance. It's a perfect recipe to use for cold winter months and brutal training camps. Personally, this is my favourite way to recover and it is straightforward to make. I've tried varies other methods of recovery, but this has been by far the most effective way of not just combating soreness but also fighting joint inflammation as well. Learn about the health benefits of bone broth and try some yourself.
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