How Jiu-Jitsu Made Me More Focused and Eager To Take On New Challenges | Eric's Story
Submission Shark Community | Instagram: @han__brolo1224
Belt Colour: Blue
Professor: Omar Cruickshack / Troy Chamberlain
Short Term Goals: To be established as a competitor and innovator in the art of jiu-jitsu
Submission Shark:
Eric is someone that turned a negative diagnosis into a form of motivation. He is a great example of how no matter what life deals you, you can still strive to be your best and achieve wonderful things in life. His intellect is matched by his superior athleticism and his work ethic should not be ignored. Check out his whole story to learn how living a healthy lifestyle can support a martial artist's ambition. There's also a hilarious Black Panther parody at the bottom that you don't want to miss :)
How long have you been doing jiu-jitsu for?
3 years.
Where do you train out of?
Philadelphia / Crush Crew Jiu Jitsu
Do you prefer the gi or no-gi?
I prefer No-Gi.
Have your instructors helped you in other aspects of life other than jiu-jitsu?
Yes, they have helped me by encouraging me to take my passion in the gym into my everyday life and endeavors.
What are some lessons you learned from jiu-jitsu that applies to everyday life?
Don't give up there is always a way to win you are never really losing even in the worst positions.
How often do you train?
3-4 times per week.
What made you want to start training?
I was diagnosed with kidney disease and needed some motivation to train my mind and body to endure and be strong while enjoying myself.
Do you plan on training your whole life?
Yes, the learning will never end so I will keep training.
What’s it about jiu-jitsu that makes it so addicting?
There are thousands of ways to do get to where you are going you can never attain perfection because the ceiling is always raising and shapeshifting.
What has jiu-jitsu done for your physical health?
I went from being overweight with dangerous blood pressure levels to be a part-time Yogi that is hardly sick and stronger and more confident than I knew I could be.
Has jiu-jitsu benefited your mental health?
Yes from the confidence boost to my overall outlook on the possibilities life holds.
If you could restart your jiu-jitsu journey, would you do anything different?
I would train more often and study the greats earlier so I can develop my own style as I learn.
What’s your advice for someone that’s never tried jiu-jitsu before but is interested in trying it?
It's a lifestyle that affects every aspect of your world, you will start and wonder why you didn't start sooner, most schools offer a trial period so come learn to meet some cool people.
Do you have any aspirations in jiu-jitsu?
Yes to become a competitor at worlds and to one day be a respected instructor.
What’s your favorite move?
The Heelhook
If you didn’t discover jiu-jitsu, where do you think you’d be now?
I would be living casually with no sense of achievement and no drive to progress daily.
Would you like to see the sport become more mainstream?
Absolutely I want more people to appreciate the art form
Have any of your training partners pushed you to reach your full potential?
Definitely!! my partners push me daily they are always getting better so I have to do the same or get left behind.
What makes you want to inspire and motivate others?
I didn't always believe in my own capabilities and through training and learning I realized how easy it was to gain this positive spirit and I feel like it's needed right now in the world.
I'm asked how can I show the youth anything and I tell people I've failed more than they have tried
Was there a difficult moment in your life where jiu-jitsu helped you get through it? If so, please explain.
What would you tell someone that is on the verge of giving up on their goals?

How has having kidney disease affected your life and what did you do get it under control?
What advice would you tell someone that has a disease/disability and is having troubles finding the motivation to live life to the fullest?
How has Jiu-Jitsu changed your life and what are your thoughts on other's sharing their experiences from this art?
Do you have any advice for someone that wants to live a healthier lifestyle but doesn't know where to start?

Check out this awesome story from another practitioner!
When the journey is over, how would you like to be remembered?

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