I Trained Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu When I Was Pregnant! | Amber's BJJ Story
Submission Shark BJJ Interview
I think the title of this article says a lot about the type of person Amber is. From a loving mother to a fantastic sister and a member of the jiu-jitsu community, her passion for the sport/art is one of the many reasons why I believed she would fit perfectly into this community.
Scroll To The Bottom For An Audio Transcription of This BJJ Interview.

How long have you been doing jiu-jitsu for?
Where do you train out of?
Do you prefer BJJ in the gi or no-gi?
Have your instructors helped you in other aspects of life other than jiu-jitsu?
What are some lessons you learned from jiu-jitsu that apply to everyday life?
How often do you train BJJ?

What made you want to start training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?
Do you plan on training BJJ your whole life?
For sure. I plan on my daughter also training and starting early. And any other kids I may have. I feel like Jiujitsu is just my life now and will always be. It's a necessity!
What’s it about jiu-jitsu that makes it so addicting?
Aside from the physical health benefits I get, it helps me mentally. If I don't go for a couple of days I feel like I get anxiety more and just feel like I can't handle stressful situations as well. I guess being able to choke people gives me peace lol
What has jiu-jitsu done for your physical health?
I feel healthier than ever since being in Jiujitsu. I am below pre-baby weight and am in better shape than ever before.
Has jiu-jitsu benefited your mental health?
Without it, id goes insane. So id say so!
If you could restart your jiu-jitsu journey, would you do anything differently?
Start earlier if I would have known about it before!
What’s your advice for someone that’s never tried jiu-jitsu before but is interested in trying it?
You will move mountains. Your dreams will become reality because, through the blood sweat and tears of training, you realize you have so much more potential than you ever allowed before. Confidence in yourself builds every time your technique does.
Example ( true story)...when I first began, a month into training, one night after class, walking to my car, I started believing all my doubts about myself, my ability to have what it takes to be like the others (higher BJJ belts) in class, as I felt like I was the weakest link in class and humility set in.
Then I went to class the next day, and I feel that s when I could claim to be a true martial artist. I did not give up, ego, fear, exhaustion did not win. I was not in competition with any rank...just with myself. Improve me, and I will prove myself. The productivity of that is EARNING the right to be an example.
Do you have any aspirations in jiu-jitsu?
To become a black belt and continue to train for life.
Would love to go to worlds one day.My brothers and I would love to be able to give back by teaching foster kids jiujitsu so they could be equipped for the uncertainty life throw at them.
Jiujitsu gives confidence along with self-defence and I think the kids would greatly benefit from it!
What’s your favourite BJJ move?
Submission: I love chokes and the kimura and baseball bat choke
Position: id have to say side control
If you didn’t discover jiu-jitsu, where do you think you’d be now?
I honestly cannot even imagine life without Jiujitsu. I feel like it gave me a passion and made me a happier person all around so in return it also helped strengthen my marriage. So who knows where id be.
Would you like to see the sport become more mainstream?
Yes, I think so. Bc, I would have loved to know about it sooner so I'm sure others will feel the same. But also I hope it doesn't ever lose its authenticity the more people do it.
Have any of your training partners pushed you to reach your full potential?
Yes, all of my training partners do. But I would def say there are certain ones (the higher belts that were there since I started) that push me even more bc they believe in me and see what I need to do to improve.
When you were first starting, what was the most difficult concept of Brazilian jiu-jitsu that you had trouble getting?
The pressure was bc it just felt awkward at first being so close to strangers lol.
After coming back to train 8 weeks after giving birth via C-section it was hard to do things that required a lot of core strength but I was determined to do my first competition and did so 4 months postpartum.
Everyone at my gym is very respectful and made me feel comfortable pretty quickly.
What makes you want to inspire and motivate others?
I want others to know that just bc u want to also be a mommy doesn't mean u can't still be you and have dreams of your own. Doing so will teach your children that they too can achieve all they want in life.
God has blessed me tremendously and I want others to see what his love does!
Was there a difficult moment in your life where jiu-jitsu helped you get through it? If so, please explain.
There were plenty but one of them was when my sister had her lil girl early at 28 weeks she had to be in Dallas for about 6 months and it was a very stressful time for my whole family not knowing day to day if my niece would make it. (She is a miracle) I would go and stay with my sister a lot and when I was home jiujitsu would help me recharge. It helped me and my brothers get our minds off of it for a lil while.
Happy Birthday to my sister and best friend! This past year was so many changes and obstacles and you handled them extremely well. U make it look easy when I know its far from! I'm so proud of you! Ever since we were little we were pretty much inseparable and I know it will be like that forever! Love u so much and I hope u have a great Golden Year Birthday
Also, our pure jiujitsu family is so supportive they all have helped us through life since we have started training with them more than they can imagine.
What's it like training BJJ with your brothers? Is there a lot of sibling rivalry?

Congratulations on being a mom! Has having a baby changed your outlook on life?
Do you plan on introducing your child to martial arts as your mother did for you?
What would you tell someone going through pregnancy right now and they are nervous about the situation?
Submission Shark BJJ Article Interviewer:
Wow! You have such an outgoing and bright personality it's hard not to pay attention to your philosophies and thoughts on jiu-jitsu and family life as well. I think it's amazing that you are so positive in such an intense sport. I hope you keep finding happiness in jiu-jitsu and I wish you and your family nothing but the best! Keep up the good work and I am happy to see positive role models in the community doing their part and leading by example. You are a great advocate for jiu-jitsu and martial arts in general, thank you for sharing your story and thoughts on this incredible sport. Welcome to the Submission Shark Community :)
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